LOL Not surprisingly, I haven't taken the breakup well, and I have no plans to take it well in the future. p18 "No one has anything to get up for. Life's pointless and everyone just gets up anyway. That's how the human race works," she says, and hands me a coffee. p19 According to George, it's a truth universally acknowledged that our family is shit at love. p21 I'd had my phone on silent all day and deliberately not checked, because it's a truth universally acknowledge that a watched phone never rings, especially when you're waiting on a text from your ex-girlfriend explaining why she doesn't love you anymore. p53 One of the great things about finishing high school is that you can finally get away from the dickheads. p54 ____________________ "She's my soul mate," I tell her. "Then I'm worried about your soul," she says, and goes back to serving the other customers. p67 ____________________ I'm ...